Chiropractic Care

for riders, by a rider

Dr Crawford is here to help you improve your quality of life and reach your performance goals. She understands the unique demands of equestrian sport and helps riders to manage pain and improve their performance.

In-clinic appointments

In-clinic appointments are offered at our unique farm-based treatment space in Lynden, Ontario.


mobile appointments

Mobile appointments are offered in conjunction with your horse’s visit or with a ridden biomechanics assessment.


Human chiropractic visits

Initial assessment (60 minutes) $110

Subsequent visit (30 minutes) $90


Aproach to care

Dr Crawford takes the time to understand how your condition is affecting you, and your goals for care. She provides a thorough physical assessment and continually re-assesses your function to monitor progress.

She offers a number of treatment approaches, suited to your preferences and condition.

Joint Adjustments and Mobilizations

Adjusting and mobilizing the joints of the spine and extremities helps to restore normal motion and relieve pain.


Myofascial Release therapy

Releasing tension in soft tissues helps to restore normal range of motion, relieve pain and allow new movement patterns.

Graston therapy (IASTM)

Dr Crawford is a certified Graston Specialist. Graston is an instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) technique used to treat a broad variety of soft tissue dysfunction including scar tissue, muscle pain, joint sprains and tendinitis.


Theralase® 3B Cool Laser Therapy

Safe, powerful 3B laser Theralase® treatments provide acceleration of tissue healing for numerous nerve, muscle and joint conditions. Laser therapy can also help to manage pain and reduce inflammation.

ACtive care

Hands-on manual therapy is only one part of the equation: physical function is a process in which each of us must be actively engage.

Active care is key to making lasting improvements in your joint health, performance and overall well being. Safe and effective strategies to improve your mobility and strength are incorporated into every plan of care.

collaborative care

Dr Crawford is enthusiastic about collaborating with other health care professionals in order to create the best outcomes for her patients. She is happy to provide updates to other practitioners, advocate for further diagnostics when needed, and refer for other services that may help you in your recovery. She looks forward to being a part of your healthcare team.
